Tag Archives: Food and Related Products

Bunny Easter Rolls… Fail


I should have known this would fail when I read the link, but as a science person, I had to try it for myself.  The picture shows bunny “rolls”.  Well, the pin leads to a blog for a bunny cookie.  Here is the picture:



They look cute enough.  And easy enough, so I figured I would try with some of the rolls I was making for lunch today.  I purchased the frozen dough balls and proofed them. Once they were done rising, I used kitchen shears and cut little rabbit ears in the rolls like the picture.  Then, I used a skewer and poked little eyes into them.  For a tail, I made a smaller cut.

In the oven they went.  And out they came, disappointing. The ears shrunk.  The tails disappeared.  The ears made them look like little Pikachu rolls.  The eyes, well, they look deformed.  Glad I only did this to 12 of the 36 rolls I made:)

Here are mine:

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